In Montana, and more specifically in Northwest Montana, the mountains, lakes, rivers and streams are something we do our friends the black bear. Whether climbing towards the highest peaks, fishing in our rivers and streams, or foraging for food in a mountain meadow, they call our mountains and rivers "home" too! Three Rivers Bank of Montana is proud to unveil our New Family of Black Bears. They will serve as mascots to the Bank.

He is the father bear. He loves fishing, especially West Slope Cutthroat Trout! He is tough and independent! Above all he stands for what is right!

She is the mother bear. The cubs are at play and Mama Bear Kintla is near by keeping a protective eye on her cubs. Kintla is the heart of the family; she is nurturing but can be persuasive. Mama bear teaches her cubs how to catch fish from the river and tucks them in tightly at night.

It is springtime here in the Flathead Valley and there is a new addition that has arrived after a long winter’s nap. A mischievous male bear cub that is eager to get out and explore the world. This inquisitive bear is fearless, rambunctious, and the joker of his family. Join us in following him in his adventures as he adapts to this big new world in Northern Montana.

Siyeh is the smallest male of the Three Rivers Bank bear family. He enjoys playing with his siblings and he is always ready for a new adventure. Siyeh looks up to his oldest brother Kootenai and he is very curious about other animal species found in the woods. He is always being protected and watched by other family members especially by his dad, Granite, and his Mom, Kintla.

Please meet Huckleberry, a female cub born to the Three Rivers Bank bear family this spring. Huckleberry likes to be the center of attention and is never far from her Mama. Huckleberry loves to play with her brothers… until they get too rough; then she’s off to Mama tattling on them. Huckleberry is a little flirt that likes to get her way, but is so sweet & cute she is loved by all.