Save with complete certainty. Simply select a term, lock in your rate, and guarantee yourself a return that beats regular savings.
Key Features
Competitive Interest Earnings
Guaranteed Fixed Rate
Wide Range of Terms
No Setup or Maintenance Fees
- Competitive, fixed rates
- Higher rates than standard savings
- Receive higher rates by selecting a longer term
- Provides more guarantee than other, more risky investments
- Set aside for future savings goals
- A wide range of terms available (from 6 to 60 months)
- No setup or maintenance fees
- Early withdrawals subject to penalty
- $1,000 minimum deposit to open
NOTE: From time to time, Three Rivers Bank of Montana offers Special Growth Certificates of Deposit that allow you to add to the account. The added funds become part of the principal and earn interest from the date of deposit.
- Interest above standard savings, which may compare favorably with other investment alternatives1
- Greater security; multi-million dollar FDIC insurance coverage
- Convenience; everything is managed internally by Three Rivers:
- One interest rate
- One regular statement
- One year-end tax form
- Flexible maturity periods available
- Helps support lending opportunities within your local community
1Limits apply. Funds may be submitted for placement only after a depositor enters into a CDARS® Deposit Placement Agreement with us. The agreement contains important information and conditions regarding the placement of funds by us. CDARS and Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service are registered service marks of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC.